Friday, December 17, 2010

FREE phone service for your kids - NO KIDDING!

My daughter is 10 and wants a cell phone in the ABSOLUTE worst way - here is a typical conversation between her and I:

Savannah - "Dad, can I get a cell phone"
Me - "Sure when you can pay for it, it's $40 bucks a month"
Savannah - "Dad, all my friends parents get them cell phones"
Me - "Really, who of your friends have a cell phone"
Savannah - "Well um, um....I could text you at work"
Me - "Really, your school would let you have a cell phone AND allow you to text me during the day - I can't even text while I'm driving..."
Savannah - "Dad I just want one..."

I'm sure you have had conversations that go a lot like this - well I have found a way (as I'm sure others have) to make everyone happy - Daughter gets said cell phone, Dad doesn't have to listen to complaining and we actually get the functionality of a cell phone (Calling and Texting).  The best part of the sideshowsam plan is a parents dream - it's (almost) TOTALLY FREE!  Yes you read that right - FREE!  You will need a few items so here it goes - all of these you may already have so it's just a matter of putting it together. If this system works for you - please comment on it and share it with friends.

Needed Supplies:
1 - Gmail account - free HERE
2 - Google Voice Account - free HERE
3 - An "idevice" iPhone, iPod touch (2nd, 3rd or 4th generation), or iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later. Not free, but you probably have one laying around after upgrading to an iphone 4 or you can buy them now on ebay pretty cheap - check with your Facebook friends first though...
4 - The Talkatone App - free HERE 
5 - A WiFi connection
6 - You may need a headset with microphone if you are using an older iPod Touch - HERE
7 - A few minutes to get it all going

Step 1
Sign up for a Gmail account if you don't already have one HERE if your doing it for your kids make sure you get them a great email name they will enjoy and NOT be made fun of by friends (ie.

Step 2
Sign into your Gmail account

Step 3
Go to Google Voice (Gvoice) HERE. If you are signed into your Gmail account it will automatically create your Gvoice account and start the process of getting you a phone number.  Now my personal opinion on phone numbers is this - you don't need a local number because most cell plans have free calling in the usa so pick a number that is personalized to you (or your kid) and have fun with it - what kid wouldn't want a 248-IAM-COOL phone number.  All you have to do is use the google word tool when asked what number you want - it's very easy.

Step 4
Once you get a number you're happy with - you will have to tie it to a phone number - use a landline, a workphone, a grandparents cell phone anything you have access to as you will have to verify it in the process - just make sure you have access to it while setting it up.

Step 5
Now that you have your number you are almost ready to take advantage of FREE calls and in the process Stick it to the Man!

Step 6
Go to the settings in your Gvoice account and under the PHONES tab make it so the calls forward to Google Chat (the second option) by selecting the checkbox and DE-SELECT the checkbox by the regular phone number (first option)

Step 6a
Here are a few more setting that make Gvoice sooooo nice
    a. Under the voicemail and Text tab select "Transcribe Voicemails"
    b. Under the Calls tab Call Screening to Off
    c. The Groups tab can be fun as you can set different messages to play when certain people call - let your mind play with that one a bit
Step 7
Make sure your iDevice is updated to iOS 4.0 or higher then go to the app store and download Talkatone

Step 8 
Launch Talkatone and sign in using your Gvoice credentials - you need to be in a WiFi zone for this to work - but hey almost the whole world has WiFi or at least a Starbucks.

Step 9
Start calling all your friends or give them your G-number and have them call you.

Step 10
Enjoy not getting a cell bill for what should be free anyway! Put the money you save away for a new car - because you deserve it!

Texting only works with friends that have a gmail account with the chat function enabled.

If this works for you please leave a comment and if anything could be clearer please let me know at - I hope this helps you out as much as it will me come Christmas

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